"During my 15 years of experience as a vet I realized that people usually neglect the fact that dogs also need the perfect combination of nutrients, acids and minerals to grow and be healthy.
I noticed that many brands don't provide the best combination of ingredients. They are either missing some essential vitamins, use artificial ingredients, or cause unwanted side effects to pets.
That's why I took it up as a mission to found Pupex.
After all, if we can use special supplements to improve our own health, why don't we do it for our dogs?
So, with the clear goal to provide the best for our four-legged buddies, I started my Pupex journey, aiming for a brighter future and happier life for our dogs, by filling the core gaps in their diets."
Catching a heart issue early is very helpful for improving or managing the condition. What are the Symptoms of a Dog with Heart Problems?
It’s important we stay aware of any changes in our pets and seek veterinary advice when needed, so we’re sharing some of the most common signs of joint discomfort in pets!
You think your dog is eating grass because it's hungry? WRONG! Don't fool yourself! Your dog's grass-eating habits have nothing to do with hunger. In fact, it has everything to do with their gut.
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